Murdered Cardiff Swimming Coach to be Honoured

A plaque dedicated to murdered Fairwater swimming coach Lavern Ritch is be put up at the Cardiff International Swimming Pool shortly.

Lavern from Fairwater was stabbed to death in 2007 after he tried to break up a fight in Margate, New Jersey while on holiday in the United States. The trial of Robert Davies, the American accused with his murder, has suffered a series of delays and is still to start.

Neil McEvoy, the Deputy Leader of Cardiff council and a Fairwater councillor, said: “A collection was started after Lavern’s death to fund a plaque. And his family asked me recently to make inquiries on their behalf, which I did.

“I’ve chased it up and I’m pleased to say the plaque which includes an outline of Lavern’s face is almost ready to be put up.  Alongside the plaque will be a brass hand so visitors can give Lavern a high-five when they come into the pool. I believe it will be excellent permanent memorial and will be seen by the thousands of people who visit Cardiff’s busiest pool every week.”

An official unveiling ceremony will be arranged involving Lavern’s family.

Councillor McEvoy said that he had suggested Cardiff council could also consider naming the Fairwater Leisure Centre swimming pool or the proposed new gym after Lavern to honour his memory.

“Lavern went to Pentrebane Primary School and I was in the same year group in Holy Family Primary across the road. I remember Lavern well and when we were older he was great company around town with his larger than life personality. People should not forget that the brave way in which he lost his life. He was trying to do the right thing.

“Some time ago a collection was done to fund a plaque to Lavern at the international swimming pool, so I have chased this up and will make sure that we see it erected.

“With the trial drawing near, this will be a very distressing period for Lavern’s family and I hope that they will take comfort in the great memories that many of us have of Laverne. He was a lovely man and will not be forgotten.”

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