Neath Flats Shut Down

A Neath landlord has had his house of multiple occupation condemned by Council Officials.

Environmental Health officers found the property in Croft Road, Neath was at a substantial risk from fire and significant electrical faults potentially leading to electrocution of residents.

Head Of Business Strategy and Public Protection Angela Thomas said, “Conditions at the property were amongst the worse ever seen by officers. We were so concerned at the conditions, immediate enforcement action was necessary and the house was closed down to prevent further risk or injury to those living at the house.”

Council Leader Ali Thomas added, “It is everybody’s right to live safely within their home. Along with partners, we are committed to protecting the occupants of private rented properties, many of whom are vulnerable, throughout the county borough and we also look to work closely with the main private rented housing providers.”

He added, “Landlords who flout safety laws and fail to manage or maintain their properties put tenants’ lives at risk.”


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