New figures reveal depth of Narberth rates crisis

New research by Narberth Chamber of Trade has revealed that the number of businesses in Narberth failing to qualify for rates relief will more than double after April – despite higher thresholds being set by the Welsh Assembly Government.

At the moment there are 26 Narberth businesses whose rateable value is above the £9,000 upper threshold and who fail to qualify for rates relief.  From April the threshold is being raised to £11,000.

“But because the increases in rateable value in Narberth have been so high there will now be 63 business who won’t get help,” explained South Pembrokeshire AM Angela Burns.

“Sadly this rather small carrot is too little for Narberth’s traders who are facing an absolutely enormous increase in their bills,” she added.

Research carried out by the Chamber of Trade has also discovered that the average small business in Narberth, even after the reduction in the multiplier and raising of the threshold, is still facing a 158% increase in their rates bill.

“For small to medium size businesses, especially if they are over the £11,000 threshold their increase is 240%,” said Chamber chairman Gordon Barry.

“That is after the measures to help them are taken into account. The measures are not helping Narberth because the increases have been so huge,” he added.

The traders and Mrs Burns have now set up an action group which will meet for the second time in the next few weeks.

“We are meeting to discuss what further action we can take and to discuss future strategy,” added Mrs Burns.

*A petition collected by Narberth’s businesses to protest at rates increases of up to 240 % has cleared its first hurdle.

Narberth Chamber of Trade has been told that the Welsh Assembly’s Petitions Committee has accepted the petition.

“This is quite a significant step as plenty of petitions fall at the first fence and don’t even get considered by the Petitions Committee,” said Mrs Burns who helped the businesses set up the petition and who handed in at the Senedd.

“If it is worded wrongly or considered a waste of time then the committee can refuse to accept it,” she added.

Eighty businesses in the town signed the petition in just one week to protest at huge rates rises in the town.

It calls on the Welsh Assembly Government to conduct an impact assessment on how businesses in the town will be affected by the changes in rateable values.

The petition is expected to be debated by the petitions committee for the first time on January 19th.


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