New guidance on planning applications

New guidance on the requirements for the validation of planning applications comes into effect on 1st September 2010.

Supplementary Planning Guidance: The Requirements for the Validation of Planning Applications is Pembrokeshire County Council’s approach to improving the quality of information submitted with planning applications.

It is hoped the changes will result in benefits to both applicants and agents and reduce the time taken to validate and determine planning applications in the County.

The supplementary planning guidance document outlines both the national and local requirements for the validation of applications.

The local validation criteria section of the document outlines the scope of the information that will be required for specific types of applications.

The guidance will be used to assess the validity of applications submitted to the Authority and failure to meet the stated requirements will result in the application not being registered, and being returned to the applicant or agent.

Supplementary Planning Guidance – The Requirements for the Validation of Planning Applications will be available on our website


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