New Head of Service appointed

Denbighshire County Council has appointed Paul McGrady as its Head of Finance and Property.

Paul, who’s been undertaking the role on a temporary basis will be responsible for all aspects of finance, including accountancy, council tax, revenues, benefits and payroll, as well as being the Council’s Section 151 officer.  He will also lead the property team that looks after the Council’s buildings and land.

Bethan Jones, Denbighshire’s Corporate Director – Business Transformation and Regeneration, said: “We are delighted to announce Paul’s appointment to the role on a permanent basis. Paul is a very capable and respected manager who has done a stirling job to date.

“To reward Paul with the permanent position is a reflection of the tremendous amount of good work that he and his teams have carried out over recent years in delivering a robust budget that continues to protect front line services in Denbighshire from the effects of cuts in funding.”

Paul said: “I am delighted to have been appointed to this role. There are dedicated teams within the finance and property services to lead on complex issues on behalf of the authority and it will be a great honour for me to lead these teams and secure further improvements in the services.

A role in local authority finance is a very challenging one, bearing in mind we are going through some of the toughest times ever financially.  My job is to make sure that the books balance at the end of the day and I look forward to taking on these challenges, whilst having the backing of the strong, professional teams that I will be managing.”

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