New Page for Sport.Cardiff

Sport.Cardiff has launched an exciting new web page on the social networking site Facebook.

The new tool will mean that people in and around Cardiff can keep up-to-date and informed with Sport.Cardiff news and events which will be regularly updated by the team.

It also provides the opportunity for Facebook users to interact with each other and the Council’s sport development team by posting their own comments and photos. This will allow them to promote their own club as well as learn about other sports groups in the area.

Sport.Cardiff focuses on the improvement of grassroots sports development in schools, clubs and communities.

The programme aims to enrich the lives of the people of Cardiff through clubs, coaching and competition with a focus on children and young people.

It relies on the commitment of coaches and volunteers who give their time and energy to provide sporting opportunities for people of all ages and abilities and ensure the continued success of clubs.
They encourage children to get involved in one of the 350,000 participatory opportunities in Cardiff so that sport becomes a lifelong experience and the city is proud to have been awarded the London 2012 Inspire Mark for its volunteer programme.

Executive Member for Sport, Leisure and Culture, Cllr Nigel Howells said: “Facebook is a modern and successful way for people to communicate.

“The Sport.Cardiff fan page brings interesting up-to-date information to sport participants in a way not previously possible.

“The tool aims to reach more people of different ages so they can learn and stay updated with sporting and volunteer opportunities in the city as well as engaging in the exciting lead up to London 2012.”

To visit the Sport.Cardiff Facebook page please visit


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