New Team join the Anglesey beat

North Wales Police is moving to a new way of working from May 4.

This will mean that you will have a Chief Inspector for your county who will be responsible for investigations and Neighbourhood Policing.

In Anglesey, the new Chief Inspector for the area is Nigel Harrison

Your new Local Police Area Inspector for the Anglesey Neighbourhood Policing Team is Inspector Michael Isaacs

He will lead the team of Neighbourhood Beat Managers, Police Community Support Officers and the Investigation team, dedicated to the island of Anglesey.

They will be based at station throughout Anglesey, but will be out and about in the communities on dedicated patrol and providing reassurance.

The Inspector joins the beat as North Wales Police has undergone major restructuring to improve the way the Force works to continue to make north Wales an even safer place to live, work and visit.

Inspector Isaacs joined the force in 2000 and has since then worked within various departments, including response policing, neighbourhood policing and custody. Following becoming an Inspector he has worked within corporate improvement as a work stream lead for project Quest and more recently he has performed the role of Force Incident Manager, being responsible for the initial command of force wide critical incidents, including the deployment of armed officers.

He said: “This is a time of great change for North Wales Police; however I am confident that we will continue to deliver in our promise of a safer North Wales and I am excited at having the opportunity to work with the community of Anglesey.”

“For years Neighbourhood Policing Teams have worked closely with local residents and a partner to identify crime and disorder issues and this is something that will be continuing.”

“All officers on the team, which include PCSO’s, Community Beat Managers and Neighbourhood Policing Sergeants, are committed to continuing with crime reduction in the area and improving the quality of life for residents.”

He added: “I encourage the community to make the best use of their local policing team. If anyone has concerns about any issues where they live, needs security advice or more information about what work is being done in their area then they should get in touch.”

Chief Inspector Nigel Harrison said:  “Being a resident of Anglesey and having served the majority of my career on the Island and I am looking forward to returning to lead the local policing team.  We are experiencing challenging financial times however I am confident we can continue to deliver a quality service to our local communities.”

If you would like to speak to a member of you team, please dial 101. Alternatively, contact details for individual officers are available via the Force website –

Your teams regularly hold local meetings in your area, to find out more contact a member of your team or keep an eye out in your local press for details.


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