Newport Remembrance Day service and parade

Newport will remember those who have given their lives for their country at a service at the Cenotaph on Sunday morning (14 November, 2010).

Organisations taking part in the parade will assemble outside the Kings Hotel in High Street at 10.15am.

Leaving at 10.35am, the marchers will go over Town Bridge and to the Cenotaph in Clarence Place where Newport Borough Band will be playing.

They will be joined by Newport’s mayor Councillor Bill Langsford, his party and the clergy.

A two minute silence will follow the Last Post, played by a bugler from the Royal Welsh Regiment, and the firing of the guns. After reveille is sounded, wreaths will be laid and there will be a short service before the parade marches back to High Street.

In the evening the Mayor and Mayoress will attend the Mission to Seafarers service of remembrance in the Chapel of St Peter, Newport Docks.

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