North Wales boasts more artists than ever before

Helfa Gelf/Art Trail, North Wales’ biggest Open Studio Event, has had an unprecedented number of applications this year, bringing the total number of artists taking part to over 200.

The project has expanded into Wrexham and is working in partnership with Anglesey Arts Week so now spans all of North Wales, giving artists the opportunity to showcase their work to the public this September.

Helfa Gelf/Art Trail is a unique chance for visitors to experience the normally hidden world of the artist and get to chat to them about their work. It aims to make art more accessible to the community and to get the public involved in the creative processes taking place. There will be drop-in workshops taking place in a number of the studios, so people can try their hand at anything from painting and collage to lace making.

There is a huge variety of artists taking part this year, ranging from the traditional to the contemporary, from the figurative to the abstract and conceptual. The unique studio spaces are located in every kind of venue, from purpose-built studios and galleries to garden sheds and back rooms, in wild countryside and busy towns all over North Wales.

Sabine Cockrill, Project Coordinator for Helfa Gelf/Art Trail says: “I really think there is something to suit everyone. Every weekend in September, you can call in on painters, sculptors, photographers, jewellery makers, woodworkers, potters, textile artists, glass makers, basket weavers, digital artists and many more, each one with a highly individual skill. This is a great event both for tourists and the local community”

Helfa Gelf /Art Trail runs from the 2nd-4thth, 9th- 11th,16th -18th, and 23rd-25th September . Studios are open from 11am-5pm daily. For further details about the event, maps and information about the artists please visit their website at

For more information please contact:.

English: Sabine Cockrill 07715755567 /[email protected]

Cymraeg: Gwenno Jones 01352 702 471 / [email protected]

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