Operation Serenity – Domestic abuse World Cup 2010

North Wales Police have today launched Operation Serenity, a campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse, which will run during the forthcoming World Cup.

The campaign will use a specific action plan targeting serial offenders and giving added protection and support to victims.

The FIFA World Cup starts on Friday 11th June, with the final being played on Sunday 11th July.

ACC Gareth Pritchard said at the launch: “The world cup starts on Friday and we want everyone to enjoy the tournament, have fun and support the team of their choice in a responsible way. During such large scale sporting events we sometimes regrettably see an increase in cases of domestic abuse.

“A minority of people will use the occasion to consume too much alcohol and abuse their partner or someone they live with. We encourage responsible drinking but we will deal immediately with anyone who commits domestic abuse.”

“Our officers will take a firm stance in dealing with offenders at all times and during the tournament we will be going even further in our response with additional measures that include:

  • Using analysis and intelligence to identify those offenders who are serial perpetrators and target them.
  • Additional police officers and domestic abuse specialist working at key times before, during and after matches.
  • Strengthening the current safety measures for those victims who are most at risk.
  • Working closely with partners in prosecuting offenders and helping victims to get support they need.

“We will also be distributing a series of posters across pubs, clubs, shops, cafes and public areas to raise awareness of domestic abuse during the campaign.”

“We recognise domestic abuse takes many forms not just physical assault but can include emotional, sexual, verbal and psychological abuse too.”

The world cup is a time of excitement and celebration and we hope everyone who enjoys football has a good time; however there will be no hiding place for people who commit domestic abuse.”

Any victims of abuse will be given all the support we can from the moment they call us. We urge anyone who is a victim of any type of domestic abuse to come forward and report it. Every report will be treated confidentially. Together with our partners we will support them and help them. Those people, who do bully, threaten and assault will be dealt with quickly and firmly and they will be arrested and held to account for what they have done.”

“Offenders should be well aware that victims do not have to make a complaint and we will do everything we can to convict those caught. With this campaign we want to reinforce our all year message that domestic abuse in any of its forms will not be acceptable.”

Useful numbers include North Wales Police – 101 or 0845 6071001 (Welsh language line) 0845 6071002 (English language line)

Wales Domestic Abuse Helpline – 0800 8010800 (24 hours)

North Wales Victim Support – 08452412410


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