Options being discussed for future of Dyfi Bridge

Montgomeryshire AM Mick Bates has welcomed recent correspondence from the Minister for Transport, which confirms that an Options Report is being finalised regarding the future of the Dyfi Bridge.

Commenting, Mick Bates AM said:

“I am pleased that the Welsh Government has at last woken up to the need for action to improve the crossing over the Dyfi River.

“The 200 year old, Grade II listed Dyfi Bridge is a valuable historic and architectural monument and must be safeguarded, so it is welcome news that discussions with CADW have now taken place.

“There is support locally for a more suitable crossing further upstream, which would remove the risk of damage to the Dyfi Bridge from heavy vehicles and I hope this will be included within the Options Report.

“We need a timetable for action to ensure steady progress from here on.  I will be pushing for detail of the options that are being considered to be released for consultation within the local community, to ensure the best solution is adopted for the Dyfi Bridge and for the road users of Mid Wales.”


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