Parthian publishers bring new opportunities to Swansea campus

Parthian Books, responsible for the publication of The Library of Wales series of English-language classics funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, have moved their editorial office to Swansea University’s main campus.

In joining forces with the University, home to the Centre for Research in English Literature (CREW) and a vibrant creative writing programme, Parthian will provide a valuable on-site resource for students and create a hub for the national writing and publishing scene.  Through training opportunities Parthian will give students a rare insight into the world of publishing.

Parthian’s publishing editor Lucy Llewellyn, said: “Parthian has always had a strong link with the University, having published works by many of the faculty members and ex-students, including Professor Dai Smith, Professor Stevie Davies and Susie Wild.

“Our aim in relocating to Swansea is to strengthen this link, forge new relationships with the creative writing MA and English department at Swansea by offering internships, work experience placements and workshops for the student body who are interested in the publishing industry and allowing partners from both sides to benefit from an exchange of knowledge, resources, and inspiration.

Swansea is an important city in today’s Wales and has, in common with Parthian, a balance between the rural and the urban, and between history and progress. We’re very excited to be here and look forward to a productive relationship.”

The Library of Wales series is responsible for texts such as Border Country by Raymond Williams, one of Wales’ most influential literary figures. Parthian also brings with them the Association of Welsh Writing in English’s annual yearbook Almanac, and the Bright Young Things series among other literary projects.

Professor Dai Smith is the Chair in Cultural History at Swansea University and Series Editor of the Library of Wales.  He said: “My strong working relationship with Parthian Books means I am particularly delighted they are now located at Swansea University.  It is vital that the rich complement of existing Welsh literature in English is kept alive and Parthian have been integral to this process.  Parthian have also been particularly supportive of the work of emerging new talent in Wales and their services at Swansea will encourage a new generation of writers in Wales, particularly those studying at Swansea, to flourish.”

Professor Noel Thompson, Pro-Vice-Chancellor of Academic Development at Swansea University said: “Parthian Books have been instrumental in giving vital English language texts which represent the best of Welsh heritage and culture the attention they deserve.

“Parthian’s track record in publishing important works by writers such as Professor Dai Smith as well as texts from up and coming writers demonstrates their commitment to the diverse literature being produced in Wales.

“Parthian’s presence at Swansea University and the services they provide will be of great benefit to the growing number of students enrolled on our MA and PhD Creative Writing programmes, and promises that fresh new talent will gain the best possible start in their careers as published writers.”

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