Ramsay: “Shambolic” ambulance response times

Commenting on figures showing that the Assembly Government missed its target for ambulances responding to life-threatening calls within eight minutes in December 2010, Shadow Minister for Health Nick Ramsay AM said:

“These figures are a shambolic indictment of just how bad the situation facing the Welsh NHS has become.

“While the weather has played a part, we are seeing a sustained trend of ambulances failing to respond promptly to emergency calls.

“Had the Assembly Government been more prepared for the winter weather, emergency services would have been better equipped to keep moving.

“I have no doubt that the usual hard work and dedication of ambulance staff continued throughout December, yet these figures are the worst we have seen in at least five years.

“Labour-Plaid needs to address staffing and budgetary pressures and work more effectively with Trust bosses and Local Health Boards.

“We cannot let the cold weather continue to damage emergency response times so severely, and the Assembly Government must urgently work towards vast improvement.”


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