Paul Davies Encourages Pembrokeshire Residents to Save Energy and Money

Paul_Davies_AMAM Paul Davies is supporting Big Energy Saving Week (27 – 31 January) by encouraging householders in Pembrokeshire to CHECK—SWITCH—INSULATE and adopt energy saving measures to cut their fuel bills.

Citizens Advice, Energy Saving Trust, Government, energy suppliers, Acre, Age UK and other voluntary and charitable organisations have all joined together for this years’ Big Energy Saving Week, to help householders save energy and money. Indeed, the average home in Wales could save up to £250 a year by being more energy efficient and doing simple things like washing clothes at 30 degrees, taking a five minute shower and turning down room thermostats by one degree.

Duncan McCombie, Director of the Energy Saving Trust in Wales, says, ‘Just a few small changes to day-to-day life can have a profound impact on the amount of energy being consumed and the carbon being produced as a nation.

Energy saving works best when it doesn’t mean huge lifestyle changes. We are all suffering from increasingly hectic lifestyles. For example, the average family in Wales could save between £50 and £90 a year just by remembering to turn things off standby.”

Mr Davies said:

“There are plenty of innovative ways in which you can save a little on your energy bills. Small changes around your home can result in big savings in your pocket. Therefore, I’d like to encourage people across Pembrokeshire to CHECK—SWITCH—INSULATE this Big Energy Saving Week in a bid to save energy and money.”
