Penarth teenagers ‘on guard’ for extra sport

Fencing, dodgeball and futsal are among the non-traditional sports that are attracting secondary school pupils in Penarth to take part in extra-curricular activities thanks to the innovative 5×60 scheme.

New 5×60 Officer Pete O’Sullivan is aiming to get youngsters more active, more often, at both Stanwell School and St Cyres Comprehensive by making 5×60 sessions the place to be before school, at lunch, and after school too.

The national 5×60 initiative encourages secondary school pupils to exercise five days a week for at least 60 minutes (5×60), and the goal is for 90 per cent of teenagers across Wales to be that active by 2020.

Supplementing the activities already on offer in PE lessons, the Welsh Assembly Government funded scheme is run by the Sports Council for Wales and is supported locally by the Vale of Glamorgan Council’s sports and play development team.

One of the best things about the scheme is that pupils get to vote for which activities they’d like to get their teeth into, as Pete O’Sullivan explains: “Some pupils may not be that keen on the traditional sports such as football, rugby, netball and hockey, and really want to have a go at something different, such as fencing.

“The pupils are able to voice their opinions and ideas for what they would like to get involved in, and they will be completing questionnaires later this term. I have been very impressed with the enthusiasm they have shown so far and I don’t mind what they choose; the most important thing is for them to take part in regular exercise from a young age.”

Pete, who has a strong sporting background and currently plays rugby for Barry RFC (‘The Bombers’), added: “If the pupils take a shine to a new sport, they will hopefully join a local club and continue to enjoy taking part in sports and physical activities outside of school in their own time.”

The Vale of Glamorgan Council’s cabinet member for leisure and tourism, Cllr Anthony Ernest, said: “The 5×60 scheme provides fantastic opportunities for young people and has made an excellent impact since it first came to the Vale’s secondary schools in 2007. The scheme was up and running in the two Penarth schools last year, and with Pete’s appointment I am sure that 5×60 will become established in tempting pupils into leading a healthier lifestyle.”

Pupils at Vale secondary schools can find out more about the scheme by seeing their 5×60 officers or by visiting their sports and development page.


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