Pink is green for plastics

All residents in Swansea will be able to recycle plastic at the kerbside by the beginning of May this year.

Swansea Council has begun delivery of special pink recycling sacks to every home in preparation for the launch of the latest recycling initiative.

The latest move means residents can properly dispose of almost all household materials at the kerbside including plastic, glass, tin, paper, cardboard and garden and food waste.

It’s hoped the addition of plastic kerbside collections will result in the amount of recycling collected by the Council increasing and will help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill sites.

At present, residents in the city have helped push the recycling percentage to just over 37 percent but the Council needs more residents to participate in the scheme if it is to avoid heavy fines for exceeding landfill allowances.

One resident who will be making the most of the latest recycling scheme is Elizabeth Lowe from St Thomas. She said: “We normally make weekly trips to the community recycling sites to dispose of our plastics. It’s great to hear that the Council will now be picking plastics up from the kerbside.”

Trish Flint, Swansea Council’s Recycling Officer, said: “We are trying to give residents in Swansea as much opportunity as possible to recycle as much household waste as they can.

“Families can generate a lot of plastic because of the amount that is used in packaging for food and household goods.

“Other Councils have seen a significant increase in the amount of recycling when plastics have been introduced. We hope the introduction of the latest service will have a positive effect and will encourage more people to do the right thing.”

Visit or call 01792 635600 for more information.


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