Plaid AM Celebrates International Day of Disabled People

Plaid Cymru AM Chris Franks gave a key note speech during a celebration of the international day of disabled people in the Senedd.

Disabled people and campaigners came from across Wales to take part in the celebration.

Plaid AM Chris Franks said:

“It was a privilege to help launch the ‘Words to Wales’ project on the International Day of Disabled People and during the first UK Disability History Month. The ‘Words to Wales’ scheme is about disabled people writing about their lives and finding their voice. Words to Wales is about promoting knowledge and understanding of the barriers faced by disabled people everyday in Wales through their words in poetry and prose.

“I know many people enjoyed the two creative workshops that were held in Cardiff and Wrexham from which many of the poems and writings come from. I was particularly moved by a story from a woman about her husband’s severe stroke and its aftermath. As the Plaid member on the all party group on strokes in the Assembly and my own family experience of strokes this is an important eye witness account of the difficulty faced by stroke survivors and their families.

“It is important that we celebrated the international day of disabled people in the Senedd building because it is open to all. The glass Senedd building is as transparent as the workings of Welsh democracy. Everybody living in Wales will be given their voice on March 3rd when we have a referendum on powers for Wales. In these challenging times it is important we remain as ambitious the Words to Wales project.”

After speeches and readings from disabled people Plaid AM Chris Franks was questioned about ensuring better access to polling stations for disabled people. He has written to the Electoral Commission and the Assembly Commission for assurances to ensure better access so people can vote.

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