Plaid celebrates successes as final term of One Wales Government begins

Elin Jones AM, the party’s Director of Communications, said that Plaid has delivered a range of improvements in Wales by putting a definitive stamp on policy decisions.

With significant delivery including, over 225,000 new attendances at hospitals in Wales that were due to close until Plaid came into government, and achieving the ambitious 6,500 target for affordable homes people across Wales have benefitted from Plaid’s input.

The Ceredigion AM specifically highlighted the work during the recession including over 10,000 people saved from redundancy due to Ieuan Wyn Jones AM’s ProAct scheme, and helping 765 adults and 379 children to stay in their own homes as part of the Mortgage Rescue Scheme.

Elin Jones AM said:

“The decision to take Plaid Cymru into government was historic and has changed the political landscape in Wales forever. There is little doubt that Plaid Cymru has had a significant impact. Through our drive in government we have made our key priorities of fair funding for Wales and improved democracy through a parliament with greater law making powers mainstream issues.

“Having Plaid in government has meant that over 200,000 people in Aberystwyth, Llandudno, Pembrokeshire and Llanelli have been able to get treatment in hospitals in their own communities. This would not have been the case had Plaid not put a stop to the previous Labour government’s hospital centralisation programme. With Plaid in government, measures were put in place to protect the people of Wales from the worst of the recession. Over 1,000 people were saved from the terrifying prospect of losing their homes thanks to our mortgage rescue scheme and over 10,000 avoided losing their jobs due to the ProAct scheme.”

Llanelli AM Helen Mary Jones AM added:

“Plaid has achieved a great deal of its core objectives. In stopping the previous government’s hospital centralisation programme, delivering official status for the Welsh language through a new language measure, creating a new Economic Renewal Program designed to put Wales on a path of innovation and development, creating over 6,500 new affordable homes and many other areas Plaid’s stamp is clearly on a better Wales over the past 4 years.”

“As we head into the next Welsh election in May we can be proud of an immensely successful period in the party’s, and Wales’ history. Our aim now is to ensure that the next Welsh government is not only as stable, responsible and focussed as the One Wales government has been since 2007, but even more ambitious, with a vision to transform Wales.”

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