Plaid: Government’s Response to Report on Mentrau Iaith and Welsh-Speaking Communities ‘Weak and Inadequate’

Simon Thomas AM

Simon Thomas AM

Following the Welsh Government’s response to reports on the Mentrau Iaith and Welsh-speaking communities, Plaid Cymru said that the Government’s response is weak and inadequate.

Plaid Cymru’s Shadow Minister for Education, Skills and the Welsh Language Simon Thomas, Mid and West AM, said:

“The First Minister acknowledged that there was nothing new today in the Government’s statement on the Welsh language. The Government’s response to date has been weak and inadequate. The Government has not yet responded to any recommendations.”

“There is a danger that all that will come from all these reports on the Welsh language is more empty talk, if the government is of the opinion that it is already carrying out most of what has been recommended.”

“Although new planning guidelines have been published, the government has provided no clear guidance on Linguistic Impact Assessments.

“The government once again shows a lack of leadership by saying that improving Welsh-medium education provision is a matter for the local authorities.

“We are still waiting for details of his plans to develop Bangor, Aberystwyth and Carmarthen, but there is a risk that they will be much weaker than the Group’s recommendation.”

The First Minister has promised a further statement before the National Assembly’s Easter recess.

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