Plaid: Let LDPs Reflect Local Housing Projections

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru calls for councils to respond to revised housing projections.

The Party of Wales has called for Local Authorities to be able to adapt their development plans in light of revised housing projections which show that the number of houses expected to be built in Wales over the next 22 years has dropped sharply from 284,000 to 175,000.

The Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans said that the revised figures showed that the current LDPs were developed on inaccurate data, and that Local Authorities should be able to adapt their plans to reflect local demand.

The Party of Wales MEP Jill Evans said:

“Today’s figures show a significant change from the projections published in 2008. Projected demand in some places has almost halved. It’s important that Local Authorities are able to reflect this in their plans.

“The Local Development Plans drawn up by Local Authorities are based on inaccurate data, and it’s important now that they are able to adjust these plans in light of the revised statistics. The Welsh Government should allow Local Authorities to revisit their LDPs and adjust them to meet the new projected local needs.

“Housing demand is still going up and we need to work fast to meet that demand. But that needs to be done sensitively and in line with the local area.

“While we need to build hundreds of new homes all over Wales over the coming years, we can’t be brazen about this.

“Plaid Cymru is clear that this means building the right kind of homes in the right places, and at the right prices. Getting the balance right in our communities is crucial, and it’s important that our Local Authorities are allowed to meet local needs.”

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