Plaid Reaction to St Athan Defence Cuts

Leanne Wood AM said:

“As costs have continued to increase the writing has been on the wall for this project for some time. This was to be the biggest PFI scheme in Europe, yet PFI has now been largely discredited. People have been led up the garden path with promises of thousands of well-paid jobs, yet ultimately businesses and workers have been left bitterly disappointed.

Jobs are desperately needed, but they have to be sustainable jobs which will still be there way into the future. The need for jobs has not gone away, if anything, that need has increased. This announcement should mean that efforts are re-doubled to ensure the creation of good quality, sustainable jobs for this area.”

Chris Franks AM added:

“I am sure there will be a great deal of disappointment at the jobs that have been promised to workers in the area that are now not going to be delivered, or at least anywhere near the level originally estimated. I will be writing to the M.O.D requesting details of exactly what proposals are going to be made for any potential projects that could still come to St Athan.”


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