Plaid say they will will Push for European Action on Compulsory Zero-Hours Contracts

Jill Evans MEPPlaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans has pledged to fight for Europe-wide action on compulsory zero hours contracts, saying that a social Europe must step in to make good failures of the UK and Welsh Governments.

Recently released figures from the Office for National Statistics showed that three-times as many workers were on zero-hours contracts as originally thought, with large employers most often guilty of using the practice.

The UK Government has failed to ban compulsory zero-hour contracts while the Welsh Government has three times rejected Plaid Cymru legislation to outlaw them for social care and health workers and for agricultural workers. It is thought that up to 60% of domiciliary care workers are employed on zero hours contracts.

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans said that the failure of UK and Welsh Governments to defend workers’ rights means that a Europe-wide ban is needed.

Plaid Cymru MEP Jill Evans said:

“Plaid Cymru is the only party that puts the needs of the people of Wales first.

“It is a disgrace that so many people are kept on compulsory zero-hours contracts which means they have to be ready for work, even though the company that pays them may not have any this week.

“This is the economics of the workhouse – wait around until you’re picked for work.

“Sadly the UK and Welsh Governments have failed to deal with this in any way at all.

“Worse, the Welsh Government has three times rejected Plaid Cymru legislation that would have banned these contracts for workers in social care and health, and in the agricultural sector.

“If we cannot rely on our national government to protect Welsh workers then we must take action at a European level to make sure that our workers have the same employment support as workers elsewhere in Europe.

“Plaid Cymru will launch a new campaign to ensure that the new employment commissioner in Europe takes action against these compulsory zero-hours contracts, and other countries whose governments allow similarly unfair contracts, such as Italy.

“There is no good reason why our Welsh workers should be exploited by large multi-national companies, and Plaid Cymru will stand up for our Welsh workers’ rights to end this.”


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