Pupils get their teeth into new woodland menu

School dinners have got a lot more fun for pupils at Carnetown Primary School in Abercynon. Forget queueing for grub in a noisy dinner hall – the children can now opt for a healthy new “outdoor menu” to enjoy in their very own Forest Plot behind the school.

Thanks to Forestry Commission Wales, the pupils can wander around the plot of land where paths have been created and picnic tables placed so that they can savour the environment around them.

FC Wales has cut back vegetation along paths to help encourage wild flowers and left other areas overgrown to create a habitat mosaic which will appeal to woodland wildlife.

There’s also a viewing area overlooking a stream where pupils can relax while eating healthy packed lunches consisting of sandwiches, baguettes, wraps, salads, yoghurt and fruit instead of cooked food in the dinner hall.

The Forest Plot is an area of FC Wales-managed land which backs onto the school playground.
Two years ago, the school signed a Community Management Agreement to look after the site and hopes to involve pupils in creating a management plan.

Headteacher Damion Jewitt said, “We’re delighted to have such a fantastic environmental area. The children take great pleasure from having their lunch on picnic tables in the forest.

“Also, they have the opportunity to learn about science and the environment through first-hand woodland experiences. Some staff are being trained in Forest School techniques in order to make more use of this wonderful resource.

“I wish to thank Forestry Commission Wales for its support in maintaining the woods and ensuring that Carnetown Primary benefits from this precious plot of land.”

FC Wales Community Ranger Mike James, who helped the school to develop the site, said it showed what could be achieved when a community got together to improve their surroundings.

He said, “It’s pleasing to visit the school and see the pupils being able to enjoy the woodland and benefit from new learning experiences.

“We want to promote and encourage the use of Welsh Government woodland for projects which involve the local community and young people in particular.”

Photograph: Carnetown Primary School (Abercynon) pupils having packed lunch on picnic area at back of school which is Forestry Commission land. From left to right with Swn y Coed sign, Grace Collins, Mackenzie Price, Lucas Lidster, Megan Lewis, and Rhys Howells
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