Real nappies are a winner for Laura

A mum-to-be from the Caerphilly county borough has pledged to use a greener alternative to disposable nappies after winning a special prize.

Laura Bowden from Caerphilly won a reusable nappy pack after entering a competition organised by Caerphilly county borough during recent activities to mark Real Nappy Week.

CCBC cabinet member for the environment, Cllr Lyn Ackerman, called in to Laura’s home this week to present her with the prize. “We are keen to encourage more parents to use real nappies because by the time a baby is potty trained they can go through as many as 5,000 nappies. If disposable nappies are used, that’s over 150 black bags of waste going to landfill where they will remain for hundreds of years.”

In Wales around 200 million disposable nappies are thrown away each year (400 nappies every minute). Families with one baby could cut their waste and their costs in half by choosing to use real nappies. They can also be reused with subsequent children to save even more.

For more information on real nappies please contact Caerphilly’s waste minimisation team on 01495 235428 or visit the Real Nappies web page.

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