Resurfacing Marine Walk

Work to resurface Marine Walk, Conwy will start on 8th November.

The route will be closed whilst the work takes place and is expected to take around 4 weeks to complete.

Conwy County Borough Council will be carrying out the work, as part of the Wales Coastal Access Improvement Programme, to make Marine Walk more accessible by wheelchair and less-able users and to improve this scenic route for all.

The Wales Coastal Access Improvement Programme is a national project with the principal aim of creating a continuous walking route around the entire coastline of Wales by 2012.

Administered by the Countryside Council for Wales and implemented and part funded by local authorities, it also receives financial support from the Welsh Assembly and the European Regional Development Fund.  As well as promoting local tourism it aims to improve access for local people, including different user groups such as the less able, who often find access opportunities to open spaces very limited.

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