Return Visitors Key to Riding the Recession

Tourism businesses in Wales will be urged to focus on securing repeat visitors by delivering excellent service, distinctive products and a warm Welsh welcome. That is the main message of the Wales Tourism Alliance annual conference this year to help tourism businesses weather the economic recession.

The Wales Tourism Alliance provides a voice for tourism businesses in Wales and represents the views of businesses across the sector. This year’s annual conference takes place in Llandrindod Wells on 6-7 November when the industry gets together to look at the best ways of encouraging repeat custom and building on the loyal following of visitors welcomed to Wales every year.

Speakers at the one-day conference include representatives from event partners British Hospitality Association and Institute of Hospitality, alongside experts with Wavehill Research Consulting, Visit Wales and Visit Britain. The keynote address being delivered by Plaid Cymru peer, Lord Wigley of Caernarfon.

While the public sector focus remains on attracting new and ‘lapsed’ visitors, industry leaders believe that regular and repeat visitors play an equally important role in securing a viable future for tourism businesses.

Chris Osborne, chair of the Wales Tourism Alliance, said: “The public sector focus, primarily from Visit Wales, is destination marketing – bringing new visitors to Wales. Individual accommodation, attractions, restaurants and activity providers must then compete for the resulting business.

“Wales has a very loyal customer base and good economics tells us that it is both cost effective to focus on existing customers and to use them as a powerful sales force. This year’s WTA conference will set out the business case for that approach and give examples of how to achieve great results by working with your existing customer base.”

The event kicks off on Sunday 6 November with the Wales Tourism Alliance Industry Dinner, sponsored by British Hospitality Association and wine company, Bibendum. Special guest speaker after the meal is renowned broadcaster and food writer, Simon Wright.

The full conference programme and booking information can be seen online at or by calling 01492 539067.

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