Safety Reassurance for Flood Affected Residents in Rhyl

denbighshireResidents in Rhyl affected by recent flooding are being reassured that every effort is being made to protect their personal safety and well-being and the safety of their properties.

Denbighshire Trading Standards and North Wales Police are working closely to tackle issues with rogue traders after reports that cowboy builders were looking to exploit the damage and devastation caused by the recent floods.

Previous floods in the UK have attracted doorsteps fraudsters offering a range of flood recovery services and other assistance including tree chopping, garden clearance, guttering, tarmacing, driveway cleaning and roof cleaning. This results in poor quality work, disappearing cash deposits, excessive charging and charging for work not done.

Emlyn Jones, Denbighshire’s Public Protection Manager said “We have seen examples of traders operating in the area and some may try and take advantage of the victims of the floods in Rhyl. This is an upsetting time for all those who have suffered damage to their homes, and we don’t want anyone to be taken advantage of whilst in this vulnerable state.

“The Council’s Trading Standards team and officers from North Wales Police have been monitoring activities in the area, offering advice to residents and providing words of advice to those offering services.

North Wales Police, in partnership with Denbighshire’s CCTV team have also installed mobile CCTV on street lighting posts, to monitor activities in the area and to provide some extra reassurance to property owners.

Acting Inspector Aled Eynon at Rhyl Police station added “In addition to the enhanced CCTV coverage in the area, we are continuing to provide increased police patrols to reassure the residents and to deter any would-be criminals.”