Salt shortage: Cardiff priority roads listed

With the coldest temperatures hitting the UK in more than 30 years and local authorities across the UK working around the clock to keep the highways in the best possible condition for the public to use, Cardiff Council is moving to priority route operations from this evening to ensure road salt lasts as the ‘Big Freeze’ is forecasted until the end of next week.

Rock salt supplies have been delayed and the Council is working with all the relevant agencies to replenish the stock as quickly as possible, but as every local authority is in the same situation, it is understood that the supplies of road salt are being controlled at source and allocated accordingly to ensure that worst hit areas in the UK are prioritised.

Salt containers across the city have been replenished, so residents have access to roadsalt near to their home.

From this evening, the Principal Routes below will be the ONLY roads gritted.

A4232: Culverhouse Cross to Central Link; Pentwyn Link.
A4234: Central Link.
B4267: Leckwith Road.
A48: Culverhouse Cross roundabout to Newport Road at St Mellons roundabout.
A469: Newport Road to Whitchurch Road A470: Coryton to Boulevard de Nantes.
A470: High Street.
A470: St Mary Street.
A4054: Cardiff Road/Station Road/ Kelston Road/Park Road/ Pendwyalt.
A4055: Cogan Spur.
A4161: Wellington Street to B4487, Newport Road; St Mellons roundabout.
A48: Slip roads to UHW and A&E department.

Drivers are asked to take care and be especially careful when traveling, as sub zero conditions are continuing with weather warnings in place in all areas of the UK.

All information on Council services is available at or by calling C2C on 02920872087(8).

For all traffic enquiries, please call Traffic Wales on 08712002233.


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