South Wales bakery supports Children In Need appeal

The Jenkins Bakery is doing its bit for the BBC’s annual Children In Need appeal.

The bakery, which has 25 shops across South Wales, has produced a special biscuit in the shape of the Children In Need mascot, Pudsey Bear.

For every biscuit sold, the Jenkins Bakery is donating 10p to Children In Need.

“Our target is to sell 3,000,” said Operations Director Russell Jenkins.

“In addition, we find that our customers also boost the appeal by putting donations in boxes in our stores.

“The public are very generous when it comes to supporting a charitable event such as Children In Need.

“The Children In Need day captures the public’s imagination and we are doing our small bit to get into the spirit of it all by producing the Pudsey Bear biscuit.

“They are very popular with the customers and, hopefully, we will raise a decent sum of money for Children In Need.”

The Pudsey Bear biscuits are selling for 80p.

Last year, Children in Need raised more than £18 million on the night thanks to the generosity of supporters.

In the months following Appeal Night, money raised from fundraisers, schools and businesses around the UK, as well as donations, continued to pour in.

The fund-raising enabled £40 million to be given to projects supporting children and young people.

Jenkins the Bakers is a third generation family business.

This is their 90th anniversary year and they have had the honour of hosting a two-day conference of the British Confectioners’ Association.

The Jenkins bakery employs 300 people, full and part-time, across 25 different stores in South Wales.

The Jenkins Bakery website is at
You can follow the bakery on Facebook by searching for Jenkins Bakery
You can follow the bakery on Twitter by searching for @jenkinsbakery

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