Staff at Wales’ Biggest Hospital Reveal how flu is Impacting Wards

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board has revealed the huge impact that influenza is having on hospital services, as staff and patients continue to be affected.

Six wards at University Hospital of Wales – the biggest in Wales – are currently treating patients for flu, with two wards at University Hospital Llandough also dealing with the virus.

Eluned Boaler is Ward Manager on the Emergency Surgery ward at UHW, which has seen beds close to new admissions to prevent the spread of infection.

Eluned said: “We are working hard to meet the demand, but it’s a vicious circle. Many visitors are inadvertently bringing the virus onto our wards, which can add further complications to patients who are already very ill.”

Containing the spread of the virus means discouraging visitors, which can mean long and lonely days for some patients.

Eluned explained: “We have to make visitors aware that flu is on our wards and that we don’t recommend bringing children or elderly people to visit.

“If you’re in hospital for long periods, this can be a difficult time for patients. But many of our patients are already very unwell so it’s important that we don’t expose them to any outside infections.”

The flu vaccine is the best available protection against flu and the health board continues to encourage uptake among eligible groups in the community, including pregnant women and those with serious long-term health conditions such as asthma and diabetes.

“I’ve had my jab because I’ve seen what flu has done to our ward,” Eluned said.

“When a patient has flu, the area needs a deep clean on a daily basis, creating extra work for our domestic staff. Having the flu jab is the best way to help ease this pressure.”

Almost half of all frontline staff at Cardiff and Vale are immunised against flu, in line with Welsh Government recommendations. The health board continues to promote the vaccine to staff and the public.

Medical Director Graham Shortland said: “Our staff are doing a fantastic job of battling the winter pressures on our service. However flu remains a challenge and we encourage eligible people to get the free jab from their GP or local pharmacy.

“Flu is still circulating widely across Wales and January is a key time to get vaccinated.”


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