Steer clear of car crime in Colwyn

Police investigating a number of thefts from vehicles in Colwyn Bay are calling on motorists to ensure that they don’t leave valuable items on show and inside their cars and vans.

Officers investigating the crimes say some of the incidents have happened where the owners have left their vehicles insecure and / or have left valuable items in full view of passers-by.

Motorists are being called on to help themselves from becoming victims of crime by following a few easy steps and help make their vehicle less attractive to would be thieves:

  • Doors and Windows: Lock all doors, close all windows and shut the sunroof every time you leave the car – even if you only leave your vehicle for a few minutes. Many cars are broken within a few seconds of the driver leaving the vehicle. Also ensure that you have a lockable fuel cap.
  • Remove the Temptation: Even an old coat left on the back seat could be enough of a temptation for a thief to steal it or to smash a window and grab the item. Don’t leave anything on display. If you have to leave items in your car, put them out of sight. Most car thieves want Satellite Navigation Systems, make sure that you remove them from the vehicle if you have to leave it make sure it is out of sight.
  • Parking: If you do not have a garage, always park in a well lit and open place. When parking in a public car park, choose a car park that is staffed and check to see if there is any CCTV covering the area. Thieves will naturally target car parks where security measures are not present.

Anyone who has any queries or would like further advice about crime prevention can call at Colwyn Bay Police Station and speak to any member of the Neighbourhood Policing Team.


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