Take a taste of learning

Tenby Community Learning Centre will showcase the wide range of learning opportunities for adults between Friday, May 14 and May 21.

The official opening of the Centre’s Arts and Crafts exhibition will take place in the main hall on May 14 between 6.30pm and 7.30pm.

The exhibition will be open daily between 10am and 4pm from Monday, May 17 to Friday, May 21.

During the week there will also be free Learning Pembrokeshire taster sessions for anyone to try.

The open sessions provide the opportunity for all learners to come and find out more about the different learning activities available at Tenby Community Learning Centre.

“Come along and join in the activities, or if you prefer, you can just watch and ask questions,” said Rosemary Tippett Maudsley, Lifelong Learning Area Co-ordinator for South Pembrokeshire.

“This is a wonderful opportunity to find out more before committing to a course.”

Open/free taster sessions

Monday                     10am – 1pm              Stained Glass

1pm – 3pm                 Recycled crafts (Make a brooch or bag)

Tuesday                    10am -12.30pm        Art – Mixed media

1.30pm – 4.00pm      Art – Watercolours

Wednesday               9.30am – 12pm          Art – Watercolours

10am – 12.30pm       Creative Writing

Thursday                   7pm – 9pm                Awards Evening

Friday                        9.30am -12pm          Art – Watercolours

12.30 – 2.30pm         Jewellery Making

The Awards Evening will be held on Thursday, May 20, when learners who were successful in last year’s external examinations will be presented with their certificates.

This year’s ceremony is particularly significant as the centre’s first Adult Learner of the Year – Judith Barrow – will be there to talk about her learning journey and officially launching her first novel Pattern of Shadows.

For further information, contact Tenby Community Learning Centre on 01834 843297


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