Tax Rebate Scam Warning

Cardiff Trading Standards is warning residents of a tax rebate scam following reports of people receiving phone calls from someone claiming to be from HMRC.

Cardiff residents should be highly vigilant of any unsolicited phone calls claiming to provide a tax rebate for a small fee. This is known as a phishing scam and residents are strongly advised not to give out any personal details.

Councillor Judith Woodman, Deputy Leader and Execute Member for Communities, Housing and Social Justice said, “It is vital that anyone who receives these calls does not respond in any way.  I would urge residents to be guarded when receiving any calls that ask for personal details over the telephone. If something sounds too good to be true it probably is.  Unfortunately there are unscrupulous people out there who want to scam people out of their money and the tactics they use are very convincing.  Cardiff Council works hard to ensure its residents are informed of these scams as soon as we’re made aware of them.”

To report any incidents of this scam, please contact Consumer Direct on 0808 156 6736


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