Teaching support staff receive awards for supporting pupils with learning difficulties

A group of Flintshire classroom assistants and NNEBs (Nursery Nurses) have been presented with awards for supporting pupils with learning difficulties at a ceremony at Nant Mawr Centre, Buckley.

They work in various schools across the county and include primary, secondary and specialist schools and resources.

The 27 classroom assistants and NNEBs received certificates for passing courses to help support pupils with dyslexia. They have all been successful in obtaining the British Dyslexia Association (BDA) Certificate “Accredited Learning Support Assistant [ALSA]” and Agored Cymru credits for the course, ‘Supporting Pupils with a Specific Learning Difficulty’.

Classroom assistants/NNEBs are:

Carol Adamson, Jacqueline Blythen, Charlotte Broad, Antonietta Castaldo-Wynn, Linda Cooper, Linda Dellaway, Sharon Denman, Sarah Duncan, Clare Foody, Julia Greaves, Michelle Guest, Lesley Hadaway, James Kitchen, Kay Leach, Tracy Mauser, Angela Owen, Catherine Payne, Angie Reynolds, Amanda Roberts, Julie Ann Roberts, Justine Roberts, Lisa Robinson, Lynda Speakman, Sheena Thelwell, Anne Williams, Gaenor Williams, and Carol Wright.

Flintshire is a leading light in dyslexia training and this year’s group means that the Council has now trained almost 200 classroom assistants/NNEBs as part of the on-going programme of training.

This is a fantastic achievement and Flintshire stands out as the leading trainer in the whole of the UK.

This initiative is central to the Council’s intention to become recognised as a Dyslexia Friendly local authority by the BDA, and to have all its schools recognised as being dyslexia friendly. It has also provided a useful model for developing the skills of assistants in other areas, such as autism and behaviour management.

The certificates were presented by Jeanette Rock, who is the County Council’s Principal Learning Advisor for Inclusion.


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