Tidy Towns environmental boost in Llannor

The local environment in Llannor near Pwllheli is set to be improved thanks to a cash boost by Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme.

The Council is offering grants to community groups and societies to improve the natural environment by organising events, undertaking projects and purchasing equipment.

Llannor Community Centre Committee has made a successful application to purchase equipment which will enable them to clear carry our environmental work around the Centre, which includes repairing and tidy up the site.  The Community Centre is an old school and is seen as an important part of the village’s local heritage.

The site and the land surrounding the Centre is overgrown and in need of attention. A group of local volunteers, the Probation Service and Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Town’s Team will be working in partnership to improve the site.

Liz Morris, a member of the Centre’s Committee said:

“This project will be a great boost to the local efforts to safeguard the old school as a resource for the community and will support local volunteers to maintain the external area.”

Islwyn Jones from the Wales Probation Trust added:

“The community pay back team always welcomes opportunities to help our partners to undertake local environmental improvement within our communities.”

Iona Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Town’s Officer said:

“We are very pleased to be able to award Llannor Community Centre with a Tidy Towns Grant, which will enable the land surrounding the Centre to be tided up and maintained. It is also very positive to see different groups and organisations working in partnership to improve the quality of the local environment, which will benefit everyone in the community.”

The Tidy Towns grant has been made possible by funding from the Welsh Assembly Government’s environmental improvement programme and Gwynedd Council is working in partnership with Keep Wales Tidy.

The aim of the programme is to support environmental projects such as litter picking and eradicating intrusive weeds, making public spaces more pleasant, planting flowers, improving access and creating nature gardens.

Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer will have a vital role in protecting and improving the quality of our local environment. For further information on Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns scheme email [email protected] or phone 01766 771 000.

Photograph: Islwyn Jones and Emlyn Parry from the Wales Probation Trust; Iona Thomas, Gwynedd Council’s Tidy Towns Officer and Helen Roberts a member of the Llannor Centre committee
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