Tree Adventure day at Coed Bryn Oer

Local children will be learning the importance of trees using problem solving activities at the Plant! woodland near Rhymney.

The Plant! project is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative which aims to create a Welsh National Forest of native trees by planting a tree for every new baby and adopted child in Wales from 1st January 2008. It is being delivered by Forestry Commission Wales and the Woodland Trust.

On October 12 at Coed Bryn Oer in Bryn Bach Park, Rhymney, 90 children from local schools will be learning the importance of trees through various activities with the Rangers from Caerphilly County Borough Council.

Following on from this event, a Ranger from CCBC, will visit each school in November to take the children seed collecting in their local environment, creating a tree bank at each school.

The aim of this is to show that the environment is a fantastic resource for schools to use. A Ranger will lead a group of children from each school on a walk in their local area to collect seeds and then plant them into pots afterwards. A tree bank will be established at each school. Some of these new trees will be taken back to Coed Bryn Oer 2 years later and planted, reaffirming the links between the site and the schools.

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