Two Denbighshire county beaches receive honours

Denbighshire County Council has welcomed news that two of the county’s beaches have been given honours by Keep Wales Tidy.

Prestatyn beach has been awarded the coveted Blue Flag status, one of 41 beaches and marinas across the whole of Wales to be honoured for their cleanliness, water quality and excellent facilities.

Rhyl has been given the distinctive yellow and blue Seaside Award. To received this award, beaches will have attained the European Union standard of bathing water quality and will have satisfied judges that the standards of beach management meet the high standards that visitors expect.

Councillor Sharon Frobisher, Cabinet Lead Member for Environment, said: “I’m delighted that our beaches are once again being honoured for their cleanliness.  A lot of effort goes on to make sure that our beaches are clean and that the quality of the bathing water is good.

“It is vital to our tourism industry and for our residents  that we provide the best possible facilities possible and that we maintain our beaches to the highest possible standard.”

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