UCAC considers Industrial Action

An emergency meeting of UCAC education union’s National Council will be held in Aberystwyth on Friday, 20 May, to decide on the union’s next steps in relation to the public pensions debacle.

At its Annual Conference last month, delegates passed the following motion:

“This Conference declares its strong opposition to the proposed changes which are unfair and unnecessary, and calls on UCAC’s National Council to take all possible steps, up to and including considering industrial action, in order to oppose plans that would worsen the pension schemes of teachers and lecturers.”

The National Council will be considering those “possible steps” on Friday.

Elaine Edwards, UCAC’s General Secretary said “It’s clear that the coalition Government in London is determined to worsen the terms of public sector pensions.”

“A clear message needs to be sent to the Government, and UCAC’s National Council will decide this Friday on the best way of doing that.”


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