UCAC to Strike on 5 October

UCAC education union will hold a one-day strike on Wednesday 5 October in protest at the Westminster Government’s plans to cut pensions. The decision was made at a meeting of the union’s National Council in Aberystwyth earlier this week, on the basis of an overwhelming ballot result.

The ballot, which was held over the summer, showed 89% in favour of taking industrial action.

Elaine Edwards, UCAC’s General Secretary said “The fact that members have voted overwhelmingly in favour of a strike shows that they are united in their opinion that the Westminster Government’s attack on public sector pensions is entirely uncalled-for and wholly unfair.”

“We know that the Teachers’ Pension Scheme is sustainable. Despite the Government’s rhetoric, sustainability is not what’s driving these changes; they are raiding people’s pension pots as a direct result of the banking crisis. It’s immoral to destroy a system that’s working effectively and giving people security in their old age– just for the sake of political expediency.”

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