WAG failing to halt biodiversity decline in Wales – Mick Bates AM

Shadow Minister for the Environment and Sustainability, Mick Bates AM, has called on the Welsh Government to state how much money will be invested to halt the decline in biodiversity across Wales.

The UK Government has a target to halt biodiversity loss throughout Britain by 2010. In 2008 evidence from Welsh Environment Minister Jane Davidson to the Environmental Audit Committee stated that “the target to halt biodiversity loss is most unlikely to be achieved by 2010.” Defra in their memorandum to the Committee stated that the target was “never realistically achievable in all areas and aspects.”

Commenting, Welsh Liberal Democrat Mick Bates stated:

“In failing to meet the 2010 target to halt the loss of biodiversity the Welsh Government is failing to safeguard the environment that we depend on and failing in its duty to promote sustainable development.

“Halting and subsequently reversing the loss of our biodiversity is extremely important and not just for the environment. At a time when public service funding is being cut, we should not overlook the importance of investing to protect our wildlife, not just as a worthy cause in itself, but also as a means for improving and encouraging wellbeing, tourism and investment.

“It is vital that the Welsh Government allocates sufficient funding to address the serious issue of the decline in biodiversity and recognises the positive impact that reversing this trend will have on our wildlife and countryside as well as many other aspects of our daily life.”


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