WAG must support wide range of renewable energy sources, says Asghar

Mohammad Asghar, National Assembly Member for South Wales East, has joined Welsh Conservative colleagues in calling on the Assembly Government to invest in and support a wide variety of renewable energy forms.

Speaking in the Senedd on Wednesday, the South Wales East AM referred to the Assembly Government’s missed target to produce four terawatt hours of energy from renewable sources by 2010.

Mr Asghar expressed concern that the Assembly Government “has placed too great an emphasis on wind energy, neglecting other forms” – adding that the “missed target should act as a wake-up call” and that a “fresh and ambitious” approach to renewable energy was required.

He said: “Fulfilling the potential of renewable energy sources in Wales is vital. Utilising a wide range of natural resources effectively should be a priority for this Assembly Government.

“In Wales, we have great opportunities for embracing a variety of renewable energy sources. We have vast natural resources that could be developed for renewable energy”.

He added: “By failing to utilise the sheer abundance of natural resources that we have in Wales for renewable energy, the Assembly Government risks … failing to meet the demands of an increasingly greener economy”.


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