WAG support for debt helpline

A helpline which offers advice to people facing repossession or eviction has received a £58,000 boost from the Welsh Assembly Government.

The Housing Debt helpline provides free telephone based counselling to anyone at risk of losing their home, helping them find long term solutions to their problems.

Commenting on the additional funding that the helpline will receive in 2010-2011, Social Justice Minister Carl Sargeant said:

“The Housing Debt helpline can play a key role in keeping people in their homes during the current economic climate. Advisers have the knowledge to offer expert advice and this funding will ensure the service continues to help people keep a roof over their head and address their debt problems.”

Deputy Minister for Housing and Regeneration Jocelyn Davies AM said:

“As we continue to help Wales out of recession it is important that we keep this vital helpline service open to people to tackle debt and prevent families from losing their homes. It is vital that people know that this help and advice will continue to be made available to help them in times of need.  I would encourage anybody with debt problems to get in touch with this service as early as possible to get advice that is free and confidential.”

The helpline is run by the Consumer Credit Counselling Service (CCCS) whose advisers are trained professionals in the field of debt advice and money management. Since its launch in 2009, the service has helped 61% of its customers retain their homes.

To contact the Housing Debt Helpline, call 0800 107 1340 or visit the Housing Debt Helpline website.

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