Wales commits to 40% emission reduction

Following a Welsh Liberal Democrat debate the Welsh Assembly has agreed, with cross party support, to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020. Shadow Minister for the Environment and Sustainability, Mick Bates AM, is now writing to Gordon Brown calling on the Prime Minister to take forward the message to Copenhagen that Wales and the UK is committed as a nation to agree a vital new global deal, to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.

Commenting, Mick Bates AM:

“The Copenhagen Climate Summit on December 7 is now less than 30 days away. With this key conference on the horizon, tackling climate change is high on the agenda in Wales, Westminster and Worldwide.

“There is only a small window of opportunity to stop dangerous climate change and keep global temperatures below a 2 degrees centigrade rise, so ambitious political leadership is crucial. Norway and Germany have lead by example, offering a 40% emissions cut. The Scottish Government under the Climate Change Bill has set a fantastic target of reducing emissions by 42% by 2020.

“Today Wales also had an opportunity to stand up and be counted as a country willing to lead by example, to do all it can to demonstrate willing to secure a legally binding deal that recognises the right scale of contribution needed.

“I am delighted that the Welsh Government, lead by the Welsh Liberal Democrats, has reached a cross party consensus today to reduce emissions by 40% by 2020 against the 1990 baseline, and to encourage other governments to do the same.

“I will be writing to Gordon Brown to highlight the clear message this sends that Wales is committed as a nation to agree a vital new global deal to avoid the most catastrophic impacts of climate change and we hope the Prime Minister will carry this message forward to Copenhagen.”


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