Welsh Conservative Group on Powys County Council: No School Decisions Behind Closed Doors

The Welsh Conservative Group believe that the decision over the future of Secondary Schools in Powys is of such significance that it should be taken by the Full Council and not by the Cabinet behind closed doors.

The joint leader of the Welsh Conservative group on Powys CC, Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe, has successfully triggered a full meeting of the Council on 3rd October, at which he will present the following motion:

“We the members of this Council wish any final decision on secondary schools modernisation to be that of this full council”.

Cllr Aled Davies, Conservative Group joint leader, said:

“The Conservative group had great fears when the new Cabinet system for running the Powys County Council was forced through in the spring; we are now seeing the results. Huge decisions about the future of our children’s education are being taken by a small clique of Councillors.

If they had confidence in their ‘vision’ for education within Powys, they would bring it to the Full Council, argue their case and let the Full Council decide the future of our children’s education, but no, they prefer to take these decisions behind closed doors.”

Cllr Gareth Ratcliffe, Conservative Group joint leader, said:

“I have concerns that as a Council the final decision could be done behind closed doors. As Councillor for Hay I feel that ALL Councillors should be willing to turn up and vote and stand by their vote, not hide behind a cabinet decision. We were elected to speak on behalf of our constituents and we are not being given the chance”.

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