‘Welsh Conservatives Campaign for our NHS’

Darren Millar

Darren Millar

Responding to a statement from Labour’s First Minister, in which he accuses Conservatives of political motives for drawing attention to longer NHS waits in Wales for armed forces personnel to be treated, Darren Millar AM, Shadow Health Minister, said:

“We are campaigning for our NHS, not against it.

“Carwyn Jones and his Labour Ministers need to start acting more like a government and take responsibility for their record.

“Patients across the NHS are suffering longer waiting times for treatment than in other parts of the UK because of Welsh Labour’s decision to impose record-breaking cuts on the Welsh NHS.

“As the Official Opposition in the Assembly it is our duty to highlight the Welsh Labour Government’s failings and challenge them when things need to improve.

“We have consistently championed improvements in care for our brave armed forces personnel and have called for a Veterans’ Card to improve access to services.

“No matter how much the First Minister may carp, we will continue to fight for Welsh patients and campaign for those who serve in the armed forces.”


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