Youngsters Enjoy an Educational Visit and Make the Most of Abergavenny’s Museum and Castle

4Young visitors to Abergavenny’s castle and museum had such a good time that they can’t wait for their next visit.

The 15 girls from 1st Abergavenny Rainbows dropped in to work on a project and learnt about the castle’s history and architecture while having fun playing I-spy.  They measured the walls using their hands, examined medieval drinking and eating utensils and found out about the use of bread as a plate. The girls loved trying on the hats and the highlight was donning the chain mail headgear – everyone agreed how difficult it would be fighting while wearing something so heavy. The Living Willow structures provided a great backdrop for their bilingual rendition of head, shoulders, knees and toes in Welsh and English as well as providing the girls with some space to exercise.

Staff provided each girl with an educational backpack containing replica artefacts, items to wear like chain mail, information sheets and binoculars to view the building’s features.

Abergavenny Rainbows – a thriving group which meets every week – is currently looking for a new leader to take over later in the year.  For more information log onto:

Rainbow leader Karen Yearsley said: “The girls had enormous fun at the museum and exploring the castle in wellies and waterproofs. There were many requests to return in the future.”

Rachael Rogers, the museum’s curator added: “It was great to see the girls finding out more about the castle backpacks. They were initially designed as free family activities, but are also a great resource for organised groups.”

Abergavenny Museum is open on Monday to Saturday from 11am to 1pm and 2 to 5pm.  On Sundays it opens from 2 to 5pm.

For further details, telephone 01873 854282, email [email protected] or visit


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