Welsh Farmers Urged to Come to Aid of Flood-Hit Somerset Colleagues

CowShadow Rural Affairs Minister Antoinette Sandbach is urging Welsh farmers to help flood-hit colleagues in Somerset, with offers of fodder, bedding and housing evacuated stock. The North Wales Assembly Member is co-ordinating the Farm Aid offers through her office in Denbigh.

“Like many, I have been shocked by the terrible conditions that farmers in Somerset are having to deal with. The floods have been there for weeks, land is under water, crops have died in the fields, barns are flooded, stocks of fodder and bedding are low, and many farms have stranded animals that need to be evacuated and then housed safely.

“Last year the farming world came to the aid of Welsh farmers suffering from the spring blizzards. Now it’s our turn to help. I know many are in the middle of lambing or calving, and they are still recovering from the impact of a bad weather from 12 months ago. But every little counts, whether it’s fodder, bedding or housing stock, as together it can really help those the midst of these floods.”

Farmers who are able to take part in Farm Aid  are being urged to contact Ms Sandbach’s office on 01745 813345. The details will then be forwarded to the team in Somerset that is co-ordinating the UK response.


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