Wigley: LibDem sellout over S4C

Speaking in Aberystwyth today in support of Elin Jones, Plaid Cymru’s candidate for Ceredigion, the party’s Honorary President Dafydd Wigley slammed the Liberal Democrats at Westminster for a “totally despicable sell out over S4C“.

Dafydd Wigley called for S4C to be transferred in its entirety from the Department for Culture, Media and Sport, to the Welsh Assembly Government.

Lord Wigley, who pressed his amendment in the House of Lords to a vote to try and prevent the Tory-LibDem Government from demolishing S4C, said:

“In a critical vote in the Second Chamber the LibDem Peers, who had protested their support for S4C, voted with the Tories to defeat the amendment and leave S4C totally vulnerable to the whims of the Tory Secretary of State.

“This degree of treachery has become the hallmark of the LibDems.

“The voters of Ceredigion shouldn’t trust them further than they can drop kick them.”

Plaid’s candidate for Ceredigion Elin Jones added:

“Time and time again I hear on the doorsteps of Ceredigion how much disgust there is with the LibDems over their decision to sell out on their policies – from tuition fees to S4C – nothing is safe with the LibDems.

“Plaid is the only party of the true radical Welsh tradition and the only party ambitious for our nation’s future.”

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