William Powell AM Criticises ‘No-Show’ of Three Ministers at Royal Welsh Show

Bil Powell portraitWelsh Liberal Democrat Shadow Rural Affairs Minister, William Powell, has criticised the fact that the annual scrutiny session of a Rural Affairs Minister will not be taking place at this year’s Royal Welsh Show.

Every year the Assembly’s Environment and Sustainability Committee has held a public scrutiny session.  But in a letter to the committee John Griffiths, the new Minister for Natural Resources, and Edwina Hart, the Minister for Economy, along with Rebecca Evans, the newly-appointed Deputy Minister for Agriculture, have all refused to attend due to “other commitments”; this despite the Deputy Minister being at the showground.

Earlier this month, following the sacking of the Minister for Natural Resources and Food, the First Minister split the portfolio and shared its responsibilities between the three Ministers.

William Powell AM said:

“It’s hugely disappointing that not a single Welsh Labour Government Minister saw fit to attend the annual scrutiny session.

“The public session really is democracy in action.  It has always been a lively event and a chance for the Welsh Labour Government to explain its decisions and defend its record.  It’s unacceptable for the Deputy Minister for Agriculture to be at the show but not attend this session.

“The Welsh Liberal Democrats believe splitting the portfolio into three will be hugely detrimental to rural affairs. Once again, farming is being treated as secondary to this Welsh Labour Government.”


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