Wynne Evans and alter ego Gio Compario join WNO for Family Concert

Photograph by Brian Tarr

Photograph by Brian Tarr

The Welsh National Opera Orchestra will perform their first ever Family Concert at St David’s Hall, Cardiff on Sunday 20 March at 3pm with special family fun activities from 1pm all designed to encourage music and opera lovers of the future.

The concert will be the perfect introduction to opera and a great occasion for family members of all ages to enjoy music they know and love as well as hear something new.

BBC Radio Wales presenter and much loved Welsh tenor Wynne Evans will host the afternoon concert – and will appear before the performance as his Gocompare.com character Gio Compario for photos and to say hello to young concert goers. As well as singing himself, Wynne will entertain and explain how opera has grown over the centuries and how it brings stories to life using the essential ingredients of drama, powerful singing, a full orchestra, costume, sets and all things theatrical.

Audience members are encouraged to arrive from 1pm onwards to join in a treasure hunt and other specially created foyer activities before the concert begins, as well as the meet and greet with mustachioed Gio Compario. Ticket holders will have the chance to join the team from WNO’s wig, costume and props departments who will share their behind-the-scenes magic on what goes into putting an operatic production on the stage.

Wynne has selected some of the most famous opera masterpieces as well as new classics from film and television for the afternoon’s music programme. The full force of the WNO Orchestra, with over 70 instruments, will play themes and songs from Star Wars, James Bond and Frozen as well as well known opera favourites from William Tell, Carmen, The Pearl Fishers and more.

There will an opportunity for some of the audience to get up close with the musicians and join the conductor at his podium for a unique conducting experience as well as the chance for everyone to join in a sing-along with Wynne. WNO’s own Youth Opera and local Schools Choir will also be performing a special Roald Dahl music piece to celebrate the Cardiff-born storyteller’s 100th birthday.

Wynne Evans said “Having worked with Welsh National Opera for many years, I’m looking forward to working on this new concert designed to make opera fun for families and create audiences for the future. As well as some great music there’ll be a chance for lots of audience participation, which even includes giving children the chance to wave the baton and try their hand at being a conductor. With famous themes that everyone will recognise, we’ll be in for a great afternoon!”

Emma Flatley, Director of Partnerships and Engagement at WNO, said “It’s really important that as a national opera company we are offering an accessible programme with the chance for everyone to get involved. We hope that this event will become a regular feature in WNO’s calendar, enjoyed by audiences year on year through a series of family concert events that are both fun and informative”.

This inclusive and relaxed show is the perfect way for families to spend a musical Sunday afternoon, whether they are aged 3 or 93.

Tickets for the WNO Family Concert at St David’s Hall are now on sale, with £5 tickets for children aged 5-16 and free entry for Under-5s. Please call the Box Office to arrange on 02920 8778 444 or purchase online at www.stdavidshall.co.uk .

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